Higher education is something that many students opt out of after the required twelve years of studies. Many believe that the term “higher education” is solely used to describe college. However, this term is much broader than meets the eye.
Advancing Your Career: The Role of Continuing Education
Advancing Your Career: The Role of Continuing Education Picture the following scenario: After 12 years of obligatory schooling, you finally graduate! The feeling of accomplishment and pride fills you as you walk up on stage to receive your diploma. Next
Augmented Reality in Higher Education
Augmented Reality in Higher Education July 9, 2024 By Aida Mª Gómez López Augmented Reality (AR) has burst into education like a technological whirlwind, dazzling students and educators. Imagine seeing three-dimensional models of molecular structures in your chemistry classes, or
Machine Learning in Online Language Teaching
Machine learning has emerged as a powerful tool that has revolutionized various fields, and language teaching is no exception
Lucentum Universitas and The Trainers School of Continuing Education signed a collaboration agreement.
Lucentum Universitas and The Trainers School of Continuing Education signed a collaboration agreement. November 24, 2023 Lucentum Universitas and The Trainers have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of enabling international certification for students, following high-quality standards. This
What Factors are Involved in Neuroeducation and What are the Educational Implications?
What Factors are Involved in Neuroeducation and What Are the Educational Implications? October 23, 2023 The Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos (ISEP) defines neuroeducation as a discipline that promotes the integration between the sciences of education, neurology, psychology, and cognitive
Is it possible to obtain a degree using 100% online methodology? What criteria should i follow if i choose to study online?
In some cases, a 100% online methodology cannot be used, but it is possible to incorporate a mixed or hybrid model.
How to create audiovisual resources for the development of didactic materials with Artificial Intelligence
Audiovisual resources in the classroom have many benefits for the development and learning of students. Having this type of content increases the motivation, stimulation, and sensitivity of students towards certain topics.
What are ISO standards and what do they guarantee for Higher Education Institutions?
ISO norms are a set of internationally recognized requirements and standards whose objective is to guarantee homogeneity levels in terms of management, service provision and product development in an organization.
Universities: Digital transformation.
As for the relationship of digitization with the University, it was initially limited to the conversion of analog data to digital media (e.g. from vinyl record to CD). Today, however, digital transformation is focused on artificial intelligence, virtual environments, cloud services, etc.